31 Effective Ways to Save Money on Water Bills at Home
by Admin Joe
published – July 28th 2023
Along with food, some people would argue that water is something that should be accessible to all of us for free. After all, we need both of these things simply just to survive.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where we do have to pay for those bare necessities. Charging for other utilities like gas and electricity is slightly more justifiable for some.
However, there are plenty of ways for you to both conserve and obtain this vital fluid for a dramatically low price. Many of these methods are easy and completely within your control too.
In addition, you could potentially knock hundreds of pounds off your bill. Pay attention as I guide you through some effective ways to save money on water bills.

1. Will I save money with a water meter?
You should consider getting a meter installed in your home. It will help you learn how to calculate and track water usage over a period of time. In England, water meters were first introduced in new build homes from 1990 onwards.
How does a water meter work? Having a meter gives you much more control as it is very much a pay as you go arrangement. In other words, you are just paying for what you use. A homeowner or tenant won’t be overpaying if they are genuinely making a meaningful effort to save on utilities.
Ordinarily, a fixed payment will be an estimate based on where you live. There is a good chance it isn’t even accurate given the many other factors that are at play. Many believe a water meter reading is preferable to paying an arbitrarily fixed amount over a month or year.
Is a water meter cheaper for a single person? A small number of people living in a large house will benefit the most from having a meter. The process of judging the size of your home in order to measure what you pay is known as the “rateable value”.
Water suppliers who don’t provide the option of a meter should be able to offer you something else instead. This is commonly referred to as an assessed charge instead (which is fairly similar in nature).
Can I save money with a water meter? Do you have to have a water meter by law? Meters aren’t always the best course of action for everyone. In some instances, using a meter won’t be less expensive for the consumer. One will need to carefully examine their own personal circumstances.
Is there a water meter installation cost? Most water companies are even willing to send someone out to fit this for you for free.
Nonetheless, you have to think long and hard about getting a meter. Can I have my water meter removed? Once it has been fitted, it can be tricky reverting back to your old method of payment if you find that you don’t like it. The process of switching back can take as long as two years for some people.
You can put your need for a meter to the test and see if it’s worthwhile by visiting the CCW (Consumer Council for Water) website. Here you can use their free water meter calculator.
You will need to answer some personal questions about your household’s usage. Gather all the relevant information at the ready before you start entering information into the water bill calculator. This might mean quizzing the people who you live with for honest answers before you apply for a water meter.
2. Saving Water around the House with Tap Inserts
Leaving a standard tap running consistently and uninterrupted uses roughly 9 litres of water per minute. One can buy special attachments that can be installed on to the end of your taps at home.
What is a tap insert? Kitchen tap inserts are water-efficient fixtures for reducing water costs. These inserts will slow the flow down by nearly twice as much as not having them applied.
The standard flow rate for an insert like this would be around 5 to 7 litres per minute. Although, this number generally depends on which brand or product you purchase.
Of course, most taps still allow you to control the power of the stream by gently turning the handle. However, having an insert is still beneficial if you live with adults and children who are a little bit heavy-handed. Most of these tap insert kits consist of a:
- fitting tool
- thread connector
- washer
- several rings to fit on to multiple taps in your home
- cartridge
- removal tool
Some kits come with a tap insert aerator that works to create bubbles in the stream causing you to use less water.
Assembly can be a little complicated as it will tend to mean partly dismantling your tap in order to fit the device. Although, some brands of inserts just screw on to the end of your tap easily without the hassle of doing all this.
Sadly, these inserts are not compatible with every single type of tap so you will need to check before ordering. Many of these bathroom tap inserts are manufactured from materials that aren’t prone to limescale. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about that being an issue.
Buy a tap insert kit
3. Bottle your Tap Water
What is a good way to save water? If you are running a hot water tap then it can often take a few seconds for your boiler to kick in. The liquid will take time to actually heat up to the appropriate temperature.
You can use this time wisely by filling up plastic bottles for later. This is one of many water-saving hacks for frugal living. It’s better than just letting it pointlessly run down the drain.
4. Don’t Overfill the Kettle
Unless you’re planning on using the leftovers, you shouldn’t overfill a kettle before boiling. Why save water? How does saving water also save energy? Just using what you need in that moment will save you both time and money on energy bills as well.
The remainder that you don’t use will just turn cold again. If this were to happen, you will have wasted money boiling it for nothing.
For example, if you are making a cup of tea for one then just fill up your mug with the required fluid. You can then transfer this small amount of liquid to your kettle. This tip applies to both gas and electric kettles.
5. Effective Ways to Save Money on Water Bills by Using Leftover Tea & Coffee
Do you drink tea? I do and if you’re anything like me then you always leave a bit left in the bottom of the mug. I find this last bit a little too gritty and bitter to drink. This might even be the case for your cup of coffee as well.
However, it is perfectly harmless and your plants will love this so give it to them rather than pouring it away. This is one of the extremely simple ways to save water that most people overlook.
6. Saving Water around the Home with a Plastic Bowl
When people wash the dishes, they can go about it in one of several ways. Certain folk like to turn the tap on and let the liquid run down the drain as they wash. Alternatively, one can use the plug and fill up the entire sink with hot water.
Both of these methods use more water (thus more money) than you need to use. In my opinion, the best thing you can do is to purchase a small plastic bowl for your sink. Using a bowl is one of the most inexpensive ways to lower water bills.
It solves two problems. Firstly, you are not letting fluid just flow down the drain. Secondly, you are using up less water than a whole sink’s worth.
This also works well when washing other things too like vegetables if you are cooking a meal for your family. There are other methods to save water with this little object. One trick you can employ is to take a plastic bowl into the shower.
You can then place it by your feet in order to collect the excess hot water that falls down. Once you are done showering, use this to wash your dishes or anything else that needs cleaning. I wouldn’t wait around though as the liquid will only retain its warm temperature for so long.
Buy a plastic bowl for sink
7. Make your own Ice Cubes & Cold Water
Instead of buying a cold drink or pack of ice at the store, you can instead follow these two guidelines. Fill up a large pitcher with water and leave it in your fridge for a few hours. I personally save money in a water jug too.
You can also buy an ice cube tray and make your own ice in the freezer, roughly taking the same amount of time. This way you will have convenient cold water and ice cubes whenever you want them. It does require a bit of preparation but means you won’t have to go shopping.
8. Set a Bathroom Timer
Seeing as we’ve gone through a few water-saving tips for the kitchen, let’s head to the bathroom. Do you live with kids who just love to leave the water running whenever they go to brush their teeth for some reason? They may indeed continue to do this no matter how many times you’ve told them not to.
I’m not a parent but I can see how this could be frustrating. I’m sure sooner or later your children will learn this the hard way when they become adults and have to start paying bills.
You will be pleased to know that there is something you can do for the time being. In order to remedy this, you can actually buy an electrical bathroom timer clock that reminds them when to stop cleaning their teeth.
This should speed up the process and you can even turn it into a game if you like. Some of these products claim to save your household more than 12 litres of water each time one brushes their teeth.
Overbrushing can actually cause tooth damage so having a bathroom countdown timer set might be helpful (even for adults). Most experts recommend that you only brush for between two to three minutes at a time anyway. A timer will ultimately save you:
- time
- trips to the dentist
- water
- money
Can you put a timer on your shower? You can also get a waterproof bathroom timer for when you are taking a shower or washing your hair in a sink. One will know when they are taking up too much time after the timer ends so it’s nice to be reminded.
These commonly come with suction cups that can easily stick to tiles in the bathroom. You can also place the timer on a glass shower screen if you have one of those instead of a shower curtain.
These devices are often plastic hourglass style timers with sand in them. It will set the same amount of minutes every time. Certain organizations can provide you with a free shower timer.
Most smartphones have timers on them. Although, do you really want to risk getting your electronic device wet in the bathroom? Studies show that spending a couple of minutes less in the shower could save you around £1 per month.
Buy a toothbrush timer for kids
9. Save Money on Water by Sharing Baths
As a family, if money is really tight then you could consider sharing your bathwater. This isn’t for everyone but your household may find it to be more efficient.
I would suggest letting the youngest go first and then working your way up by age. If you have very young children then maybe 2 or 3 could go into the bathtub together.
The disadvantage here is that the liquid will get colder and dirtier over time. Imagine what it will be like by the time the last person goes in so you may not feel that it is worth it.
If you feel like giving this a miss then the old bathwater can safely be used on your garden instead. Although, not as efficient, you could save money on utilities and shower together as an alternative.
10. Developing Good Habits to Save Water like Showering instead of Bathing
Usually, showers use up less water than baths (if taken in good time). The average person would typically not fill a whole bathtub up with the amount of fluid that they would use for one shower.
If you’re very pragmatic with your shower then it wouldn’t even fill a bathtub up a third of the way. This amount would be just shy of 30 litres for those who are interested to know. Although, depending on how long you take in the shower, it might not even matter if you were to take a bath or not.
11. Installing a New Water Saving Shower Head
If you believe your shower head uses too much water then this point is definitely for you. One can replace their regular shower head with a special reduced water usage one. A power shower head uses a lot more liquid than most. There is also the worry of a dripping shower head when the water is off.
If you switch to a different one you could be saving more than 3 litres of water per minute. Although, a normal shower head will still spray out approximately 15 litres of liquid per minute. On the other hand, a reduced water shower head will get the job done using less than half the amount of fluid.
Some shower units allow you to change the water velocity. In this case, the idea of changing shower heads may be a little redundant for you. There are energy efficient shower heads available too.
In fairness, some of these water reducing shower head attachments won’t work for electric showers so it’s not compatible for everyone.
Buy a water saving shower head
12. How to Cut Down on Water Costs and Save Money by Taking Quick Showers
Personally, whenever I take a shower I try to minimize my water usage as much as possible. It wasn’t always this way as I used to be quite wasteful with hot water in my younger days. If I were to go back, I could easily save utilities by showering better.
My current technique is to first turn the shower on for a couple of minutes in order to just get wet before turning it off again. I then use this time to wash myself with shampoo and shower gel without wasting any more water. One can even shave during this period of time if you really want to.
I then finish by turning the shower back on for the same amount of time to rinse off all the soap and hair. This is essentially like having two mini showers in one. I use so much less hot water with this handy little technique and I suggest that you try it too.
13. Shower & Wash your Hair Less Often
Some experts believe that it is unhealthy to wash your hair every single day. It may not feel nice having greasy hair but these natural oils are actually good for your luscious locks.
The oils kind of act like a natural hair conditioner of sorts. You can also apply this logic to showering as taking showers too frequently can severely dry out your skin.
14. Is dry shampoo one of the effective ways to save money on water bills?
Using eco friendly dry shampoo does not require the use of any kind of liquid as the name suggests. You could try using this occasionally instead of the standard shampoo that requires hot water. Dry shampoo is great for when you are busy on the go so you may find it more convenient anyway.
Is dry shampoo bad for your hair? As a word of warning, you may not want to use dry shampoo too frequently. It is said to damage hair with persistent over-application.
Buy a can of dry shampoo
15. Effective Ways to Save Money on Water Bills with Toilet Leak Detection Tablets
Looking for money-saving techniques for repairing water leaks? One way of knowing if you are wasting money at home is by being capable of checking for leaks. This is very obvious with a leaky tap, for example. Everybody can see and hear the drip drip drip.
However, it’s not so clear when the toilet is the culprit. In the worst case scenario, it’s possible for a toilet to leak hundreds of litres of water every day. It’s no laughing matter. This is where dye tablets for leak detection come in handy.
What is a leak detection test? This works by first taking off the lid of the tank. You would then drop a tablet in the water near the cistern before stirring. After a while, if nothing noticeable happens then you’re all clear. On the other hand, if the liquid changes colour then that means you have yourself a leak.
The colored toilet water will go away after flushing so there is no harm done. If you detect a leak you will need to call a plumber to get it fixed before you waste any more money on the leak. Then again, you can always repair the leak yourself if you have the right expertise.
It’s kind of pointless buying these toilet leak detection dye tablets if you don’t at least suspect you have a leak. You will have paid out for nothing so it won’t be very cost effective.
Nevertheless, you could always buy a pack of tablets to check for toilet leaks and keep them as a back up for when the time is right.
Buy some toilet leak detection dye tablets
16. How does a dual flush toilet work?
Investing in a dual flush toilet can save your family money. What is a dual flush toilet system? What is the big difference between single flush and dual flush toilet? This is basically a more modern toilet with two buttons for flushing.
One is for the small flush and the other one is for the big flush. This gives you an option that you didn’t previously have. These dual flush toilet benefits stop you from using too much water when it isn’t necessary.
Based on your observations, you can gauge for yourself which is the right button to push. This is one of the more innovative technologies for water conservation.
17. What is a cistern bag?
You can save money when flushing the toilet by using a water saving cistern bag. It is one of the best ways to save water and is extremely low effort. Just like it sounds, this is simply a bag that you place beside the cistern of your toilet (within the tank).
How does a cistern bag work? Each time you flush with this free toilet cistern bag in place you will save somewhere between 1 to 2 litres of liquid.
Unlike some devices I’ve mentioned, this one is extremely easy to fit and requires no plumbing know-how whatsoever. It takes a few seconds and then you’re ready to go.
For this to be truly effective, your toilet’s water capacity will need to be at least 7.5 litres. Bear in mind that these bags will only work for single lever flush cisterns, but not dual flush toilets.
If you don’t want to spend money on a cistern bag then you don’t have to straight away. For now, you could instead put an object like a brick or a firmly secured plastic bag in the tank.
Doing this will use up space where fluid could reside and reduce tank capacity. This means your flushes and water bill will be smaller. Whichever way you want to do it, these are both budget-friendly water conservation methods.
Buy a toilet tank cistern bag
18. Choosing NOT to Flush the Toilet
Here comes the gross part. Logically speaking, flushing the toilet a lot will use more liquid and cost you more money on your water bill. If you have the stomach for it, you can intentionally reduce the number of times you choose to flush your toilet.
You might find this bearable if you are just dealing with urine. Although, I would just flush down solids if I were you. Clearly, you will need to run this controversial idea by your housemates so everyone is in agreement (or disagreement).
19. Don’t Flush Rubbish down the Toilet
You can waste a lot of money if you are flushing your trash down the toilet. An individual will also be squandering water if they do this rather than disposing of their rubbish properly in a bin.
There are certain items that just shouldn’t be flushed. You can even seriously clog up your pipes by flushing things that have no business being flushed.
Worse comes worst, one will need to pay a plumber to come out and fix it. I hope you can glean something from these tips for conserving water in the bathroom.
20. Invest in Energy Efficient Appliances with Eco Settings
Are energy efficient appliances worth it? Nowadays, most appliances come with a built-in eco setting that uses up less water and heat. You should try using this function the next time you put a load in the washing machine or tumble dryer.
Apparently, energy efficient dishwashers actually use less liquid than washing dishes manually by hand. It’s important to find and compare the best water-efficient appliances for cost savings. This is something to think about if you have a bit of disposable income to spend in this area.
It can even help save water to prevent climate change for future generations if that’s something you care about. Some countries also offer a tax credit or rebate scheme if you own an energy efficient kitchen appliance.
Buy an energy efficient washing machine
21. Avoid Underloading your Washing Machine
Using your washing machine less often means using less water. This is why I would advise you to wait until you have enough laundry for a full load before starting a cycle. It might mean combining the dirty laundry of household members into one.
Keep in mind that there is a balancing act to this. It’s unwise to overload the drum as this can seriously damage the machine itself over time. Having too much weight on the inside while operational will eventually degrade a washing machine.
If you repeat this mistake continuously then your appliance will break down way before it was ever really supposed to. This will then mean forking out a lot of money for either repairs or a new replacement washing machine. It will ultimately defeat the purpose of trying to save water and money.
Conversely, you might be better off investing in a brand new washing machine. These modern appliances can clean a full load of clothing with as little as 7 litres of liquid.
This is significantly less water than it would normally have taken with older models in the past. You can also apply this same rule to your dishwasher as well.
22. Ideas for Tumble Dryer Residue
If you dry your clothes in a machine, you will know that the moisture has to go somewhere. Rather than viewing it as waste, you can actually put this water to some use.
The liquid dregs from a spin in an energy efficient tumble dryer can be used to water your plants and flowers. Conserving water can save money while protecting the environment so it’s worth doing.
23. How can I save money on water bills with a fish tank?
Here is another bit of practical advice for reducing water costs and saving money. Interestingly, old water from a fish tank contains both phosphorous and nitrogen which is great for plant life.
Why are you telling me this exactly? If you do keep fish as pets then you should definitely consider using this fluid in your garden. Try this out next time you need to empty your fish tank for a refill.

24. Water Saving Gel Crystals
If you are a keen gardener who wants to save money on your hobby then I would recommend that you buy water saving gel.
To be more precise, these are water storing gel granules that allow you to use less liquid on your plants. Some brands of water harvesting gel even boast that you can water your plants 75% less than you currently do.
These gel granules come in small sachets that you have to thoroughly mix together with your soil. This should ideally be done before the planting stage in order for it to work. It will ensure that the fluid gets released underground near the roots.
Unfortunately, that will be difficult if you want to use water retaining gel crystals on a flower or tree that has already been planted. The best thing to do is to use the gel when you are about to plant something new for the season.
Liquid essentially activates the crystals in the gel causing it to suck up and store the water for a later time. Water retaining gel for plants works by naturally letting out fluid when a plant needs it the most. It’s also possible to get water saving gel for lawns as well.
I would advise you to use these gel granules liberally in dry areas. Think about the places in your yard that usually get lots of sunshine.
This works best for individual flowers in small plant pots or hanging baskets. These tend to need the most attention due to their isolation from the ground.
Buy some water saving gel
25. Why Using Garden Mulch is One of the Best Money-Saving Strategies for Lower Water Bills
An avid gardener might benefit from spreading quality mulch over the surface of their soil. To be clear, mulch is a layer of organic material that is supposed to conserve moisture below ground. A few examples of organic mulch might be:
- wood or bark chips
- rocks and gravel
- straw or hay
- pete moss
- pine needles
- leaves
- saw dust
- hedge clippings
As an added benefit, mulch for garden use will also prevent weeds from sprouting up so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Is there any mulch on sale near me? Shop around to see if you can find a good deal for mulch in bulk. Is mulch cheap? As far as free mulch ideas go, you can also get it in the form of grass cuttings after you mow the lawn so consider that.
Buy some garden mulch
26. The Do’s and Don’ts to Save Water with a Water Butt
You can actually buy something called a water butt that comes in a barrel shape. Silly name aside, this item is incredibly useful.
How does a water butt work? Learning how to fit this device shouldn’t be too difficult. The contraption is typically connected up to your guttering and drain pipes with water butt fittings that should come with the item itself.
This way you can efficiently collect rainwater from the rooftop of your property. You can get a water butt diverter kit if you need help with that.
Water butt irrigation systems come in a few different sizes. You can get a wall mounted water butt if it suits you. As you might expect, the larger sizes are more expensive. A higher quantity of materials is needed in production so this makes sense.
The smallest and cheapest one I’ve seen can hold 100 litres which isn’t bad. The slim size will only really matter to you depending on how often you empty it out or leave the fluid to build up.
A water butt will have a built in tap that comes out of the side in the bottom half. The tank will likely come with a stand for raising the whole thing up so the end of the tap isn’t touching the ground. You can easily use this to fill up a small container or watering can.
Many water butts are made from recycled plastic so they are good for the environment in multiple ways. The collected liquid can be used in several different ways from cleaning your motor vehicle to watering garden plants and flowers.
Are there any other reasons to save water? Additionally, you can pour your collected rainwater into the cistern of your toilet for when you need to flush.
Using this fluid essentially means you won’t have to pay out when you use your normal water supply to do these tasks. Normally, you would without this device.
The only big downside of owning a water butt that I can see is dealing with the winter months when the temperature drops. In terms of function and design, cold weather can cause serious problems for the water butt.
Obviously, liquid can freeze if it gets cold enough (we all know that). This will mean you won’t be able to dispense water from the tap. Furthermore, some of the connective pipes may be blocked up with ice.
Probably the worst thing that can happen is plastic cracking due to frozen liquid being in there for a prolonged amount of time. You can prevent this from happening by draining all of the fluid from the water butt. Clearly, you will need to find somewhere else to store this water (preferably indoors).
It’s best to do this when you believe cold weather is on the way although it’s not always easy to predict. Even the weatherman has trouble with that. The harsh elements can come and go fairly quickly so you will need to be on your toes for this.
You might find that it is less hassle simply choosing not to use this device during Winter at all. As an example, you could stop in September and start back up again in April the following year.
These products may require occasional cleaning and repair. You may be able to find a second hand water butt for sale if you look hard enough.
Buy a water butt
27. Affordable Solutions for Cutting Back on Water Expenses like using a Watering Can
Using a sprinkler or hosepipe to water your garden can really waste a lot of money. Sprinklers are mainly used on lawns even though grass gets a lot of fluid through rainfall anyway. There is also the concern that you may forget to turn the sprinkler off if your mind wanders.
Garden hosepipes are convenient but they can accumulate a lot of residual water that collects in the pipe afterwards. Both of these items can dispense almost 1,000 litres of liquid per hour if left running.
The benefit of using a watering can is that you are using more or less the right amount of fluid that you actually need. You have much more control here and you can always go back to fill up again if you don’t have enough.
Buy a watering can
28. Effective Ways to Save Money on Water Bills by thinking about Evaporation when Gardening
It would be very inefficient to water your garden at noon. At midday, when the sun is highest in the sky, liquid will evaporate extremely quickly. This is especially true in the Summertime.
A good portion of that fluid will simply disappear before it has a chance to soak down into the roots. For this reason, the best time for watering plants is in the morning or early evening.
29. Facts about How to Build a Pond
Building a pond might not initially seem like a productive way of saving money. Just think of all the time and effort involved. However, you have to remember that this will also act as a reservoir that collects rainwater. This liquid can then be utilized in all manner of ways.
You also have the bonus of having a nice pond to enjoy with all the interesting pond life and ecosystem that comes with it. This isn’t as hard as it looks as the build can be achieved fairly easily by:
- use a spade to dig a level hole in your garden (you choose the size)
- lay down some plastic sheeting over it
- fill the trench with water
- place rocks around the border to hold down and obscure the edges of the pond liner
If you don’t want to pony up for a water butt, this is one of the most useful rainwater harvesting systems for water conservation. Unfortunately, you also have to deal with the dredging and cleaning of a pond.
Buy a pond liner
30. Benefits of Selling Your Hot Tub
You might be lucky enough to own a hot tub but also care about saving money. The larger capacity models in particular (like an 8 person hot tub or more) use up thousands of litres of water alone. If this sounds like you, you may want to consider getting rid of it altogether.
Can I arrange for a free hot tub removal near me? Putting your hot tub up for sale is perhaps one of the most efficient water-saving measures for reducing monthly expenses.
Failing this, I would suggest reusing the liquid that is already in there if you have an energy efficient hot tub. Do this rather than draining and refilling every single time you dip your toe.
31. How to Save Money on Water Bottles
Is there any bottled water on sale near me? You wouldn’t think there were that many ways to save money from buying expensive bottled water, but there are.
If you just want to buy a bottle of water from a retailer (either off or online) then there are ways you can save money doing this.
I will now show you how to save money on drinking water. Like with any other product for sale, you can spend less and grab discounts using:
- cashback apps and websites
- coupons, vouchers, and gift cards
- barcode scanning
- free samples
- cashback credit cards
- loyalty programs (like Tesco clubcard or blue light card)
Common sense shows us that one can make the most of reusable water bottles by refilling them with tap water at home.
Buy cheap bottled water
Whereabouts in the home can I save money on water?
As you would expect, some rooms of the home use far more liquid than others. Areas that might spring to mind where you can practise your money saving water tips would be:
- kitchen
- bathroom
- utility room
- garden or yard
You can save money with any object in or around your house that uses water. This includes:
- taps
- garden hoses
- sinks
- toilets
- showers
- bath tubs
Will I need to spend money to save water in some cases?
There is an obvious investment that you will have to make whenever you decide to buy any of the items that I have mentioned. It really boils down to figuring out if the price of purchasing one of these products will be canceled out by what you are saving on your water bills.
For the most part, these items will give you a positive return on investment. Otherwise, why bother producing them in the first place?
How to Reduce Water Consumption at Home with Free Water Saving Products
Many water saving devices can actually be obtained cheaply or even completely free in some cases. The free items are often subsidized by water providers. This is done as a way of helping struggling families and protecting the environment.
In the UK alone, there are numerous suppliers that are willing to offer you free water saving products. For example, you could bag yourself a free shower head. This can be accomplished just by visiting their websites. These companies are:
- Yorkshire Water
- Wessex Water
- United Utilities
- SES Water
- Thames Water
- Southern Water
- Portsmouth Water
- South West Water
- Northumbrian Water
- South Staffs Water
- Hartlepool Water (Anglian)
- South East Water
- Hafren Dyfrdwy
- Severn Trent Water
- Essex and Suffolk Water
- Dwr Cymru (Welsh Water)
- Cambridge Water
- Bristol Water
- Affinity Water
- Bournemouth Water
Getting your hands on at least some of these freebies is one of the best practices for saving money on household water.
Speaking of free water, I would advise you to take a look at The Water Freedom System. Believe it or not, this method will allow you to create water from nothing but humidity (without reaching into your wallet). There is a good chance that this will dramatically lower your utility bill.
How much water do people use each day?
In total, the average person will use approximately 150 litres of water per day. This includes drinking, showering, and literally everything else you would use water for in your day to day life. My motto is save water, save money. Moreover, conserving this precious liquid can save money while protecting the environment.
How much money can you save by using less water?
Is everyone’s water bill the same? What happens if you don’t save water? How much is the average water bill? On average, UK households are paying over £400 per year for water. It may be higher than expected for your family.
The fact that everything is becoming more expensive during the current cost of living crisis hasn’t helped this one bit. As the years roll on, water bills (along with the cost of everything else) continue to rise. This only works to make people’s lives much harder financially.
Why is my water bill so high? This year, you could be paying close to £500 for water and sewage expenses. This is something you will want to cut back on if you can. You can slash hundreds of pounds off your water bill if you really apply yourself.
How do water suppliers help consumers find effective ways to save money on water bills?
Suppliers do offer support to people who are unable to keep up with their payments. This kind of assistance ranges from:
- freezing payments for the time being
- setting up a charitable grant
- offering a social tariff
- the WaterSure scheme
- rebates
A few providers have generous repayment plans for struggling families. Some of these involve rewarding you twice as much money back as you pay in. This is a great incentive to pay off what you owe (if you can).
Who will receive financial help from water companies?
The special tariff I speak of is only available to low income households. In addition to that, you may need to claim certain government benefits like Universal Credit as well. On top of helping people in general, companies specifically try to support:
- carers
- disabled people
- those with other medical problems
There may also be a water bill discount for pensioners but you would have to look into that.
Why bother saving at all if I can’t switch my water supplier?
Unless you plan on moving to a different part of Great Britain, you can’t really switch your energy supplier. Because of this lack of choice, some people assume that you can’t do anything significant to save money on water usage. This is a huge misconception and couldn’t be further from the truth.
Does saving water save energy?
How does saving water save money? I’ve already given you some tips for saving money on water heating, but let me leave you with this. Reducing your use of hot water will also decrease the amount of gas and electricity used for heating up said liquid. Think of that as a little bonus.
On top of this, cutting down on all three of these utilities will also help you protect the environment. It will decrease greenhouse gases. If we all collectively did this then it would make a big difference.
Did previous generations use less water?
I believe we can all learn a vital lesson from our elders when it comes to making the most of resources. A couple of generations ago, people only used 20 litres of water per day.
These days, it is almost seven times that amount for the average person. I understand that times are very different but that is still a remarkably big divide.
Why Rainfall is One of the Top Water-Saving Hacks for Gardening and Landscaping
Tap water is in fact treated by the water companies within one of their many treatment plants. This might not seem like a negative for you but it can potentially be for your plants. Natural rainwater is by far the best for gardens for this very reason.

As you can see, there are plenty of effective ways to save money on water bills both in and out of the home. The article shows that you can do the same with sewer bills as well.
This ranges from limiting your own supply of tap water in your residence to finding out how you can purchase this liquid for less whilst out shopping in a store.
I haven’t even had time to really cover the boiler or water heater insulation. This may come in the form of a blanket or a jacket. You could easily count this as number 32 on our list. Although, this is more about saving gas and electricity.
I would suggest that you assess your daily routine whilst walking through your home. Think about where you could potentially cut back.
You should also have a group discussion about your usage with the people you live with. Perhaps advise them to also repeat the techniques that I’ve just recommended to you.
Check out websites like stockporthomes and savewatersavemoney as they too can demonstrate strategies and techniques for saving money on water.
I bet you can think of even more creative ways to save water. How do you personally plan to save money on this utility? Which of these ideas do you like the best and explain why?
Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and like it on social media. You can subscribe to our newsletter and comment below too. Thanks for reading!
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