Why Introverts Make Fantastic Flyer & Poster Distributors
by Admin Joe
published – April 30th 2020
The life of an introvert isn’t always an easy one, especially in the workplace. In my experience, many of us hermit types hate to be in any social situation (literally ANY). We prefer to be alone instead, for the most part.
“Wanna come to a house party tonight with a bunch of people you don’t know?” Forgeddaboutit!
If you really had to rack your brain, how many day jobs can you actually name that would perfectly suit an introvert? I can’t think of many and my guess would be that you can’t either.
Let’s be real for a second, most occupations require some basic level of communication with other people, even if it’s only minimal.
Luckily for you, I have a profession that might interest you, my dear introvert. You may, in fact, find that a significant part of a flyer or poster distribution job involves your good self spending the working day alone.
This is an ideal situation for somebody who might not be as extroverted as most other people. By the same manner, you could make good money from flyer, leaflet, poster or catalog distribution work if you really apply yourself.
“I’m an introvert… I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky.“
Audrey Hepburn (Actress & Humanitarian)
Even though she was an introvert, Audrey Hepburn found massive success on and off the silver screen. Maybe, we can take all take a leaf out of her book.
Roughly 1 in 5 distributions are passed around and shared with at least one or more other members of that household or family. This shows you just how far flyer distribution marketing can spread. There is plenty of money to be earned, believe me.
Let’s now take a further look at flyer distribution work. We can see why it might be a good prospect for the most introverted of introverts.
If you are of this persuasion, we can also analyze some possible downside to distribution work too. Let’s read along together.

Will I be distributing flyers, leaflets & posters alone?
A flyer distribution employer will likely spread out its workforce of distributors. Furthermore, they will be distributed (no pun intended) individually over different areas so that more ground can be covered.
There isn’t much point in closely bunching together distributors. This is because they are all doing the same task anyway.
This is a good thing for more introverted workers. You will be distributing alone for most of the day. Additionally, you won’t have a manager or supervisor on your back all the time within close proximity.
You may specifically be doing a door-drop distributor job. In this instance, I have found that you will mostly be faced with a series of letterboxes in the place of people.
There will be very minimal human interaction in this sort of position, as you can imagine. This is unless these letterboxes magically evolve the ability to talk. In contrast, that’s pretty unlikely unless we’re existing in some kind weird horror movie.
Being alone while doing distribution work can be a good or bad thing depending on your personality type. Personally, I kind of like the independence (being the Quasimodo like person that I am).
Will being an introvert work against me in a distribution job?
There are aspects to flyer and catalog distribution work that will give you no choice but to come out of your shell. “What do you mean?! I thought you said this job was all fine and dandy for hermits and introverts alike?!” Well, not completely.
Conversely, there is a good chance that distributors may have to communicate with customers and colleagues every now and then.

Do introverts struggle with catalog distribution work?
Introverted behavior will mostly be forced to go by the wayside with catalog distribution work, in particular, so be warned.
In this position, you will be responsible for obtaining sales and leads from recipients. You will need to be assertive and have enough confidence to do that.
A job like catalog distribution involves lots of interaction with customers. You will be attempting to convince potential buyers to purchase from you. This conflicts with many of the general traits of what it is to be an introvert.
Being a catalog distributor is really an occupation for the extroverts to revel in. For this reason, maybe let this one slide by if it doesn’t sound like your cup of tea.
Will introverts be working in a team of flyer distributors?
If solitude is what you want then you will mostly get your wish with flyer, leaflet and poster distribution work.
You will need to be happy and comfortable working in your own company. In like manner, if you are reading this article in the first place then I guess you already are.
This is mainly down to the fact that you won’t have co-workers around you all the time. Flyer distribution is definitely a suitable job for introverts who prefer working on their own much more than working in a team.
Do employers send out individuals or teams of distributors?
Teams of flyer and leaflet distributors can sometimes be far more effective for distribution companies rather than sending you out all alone.
You will usually be in a fairly large group of other flyer distributors doing the same job. On the other hand, you will also be distributing individually if that makes sense.
Correspondingly, if you are handing out flyers in the street then you might be in a group of other nearby distributors who are doing the same thing.
If it’s a busy high street then your boss might require several flyer distributors in the same spot in order to bear the load. You will all catch more recipients this way.
Do flyer distributors meet up with colleagues & superiors?
You will spend the majority of the day by yourself. Then again, you will probably regroup with colleagues at certain points.
This includes meeting at the beginning and end of each working day. There will normally be other flyer distributors nearby, within walking distance.
Is flyer distribution work suitable for outdoorsy people?
Flyer and poster distribution work can be quite peaceful and easygoing for introverts. This is true as you are working alone most of the day, out in the fresh air.
It’s nothing like being stuck in a crowded office with colleagues chatting and gossiping away constantly (basically my idea of hell).

If you are indeed an introvert like me then I hope this has helped you to decide if flyer distribution work would be a good fit for you. We know for a fact that a flyer distribution job can be a mix of team work combined with more solitary tasks.
Distribution work has pros and cons for people of all personality types, including introverts.
We also know that a catalog distribution job specifically is something that an introvert might find the most challenging. This is relevant seeing as it involves having good sales skills.
For this reason, you might want to pick a different breed of distribution job if this isn’t to your taste.
After reading this article, I suggest that you try to improve your communication and people skills if necessary. This should help you excel at catalog distribution work. It will also help you with some other conventional day jobs if that’s what you want to do.
It doesn’t hurt to learn more about flyer distribution work in general too. With this in mind, you can teach yourself by reading books about flyer distribution as well as other articles.
Being an introverted person, perhaps freelance distribution work would be more to you’re liking. From here, you can ask yourself Do Flyer Distributors Earn More Money Going Freelance?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Can you think of any other day jobs suitable for introverts that involve working alone? Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below. Thanks for reading!
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