Earn $1,000 Per Donation (& Help Someone) By Selling Your Hair
by Mia Moore
published – Dec 28th 2020
Have you got a head full of hair? Who hasn’t!? No offense to the bald people or punk rock skinheads of the world.
Well, if you have, let me tell you that you can sell your locks and earn money from home. Who knew you could sell human hair for profit?
Why let the barber or hairdresser keep your follicles if it can help you make money? To demonstrate, you can sell hair to wig makers and other companies.
Although, there are a few important variables that donation companies have to factor in. They do this in order to judge its value. This includes attributes such as:
- length
- color
- thickness
- the general condition of your luscious or unluscious locks.
How do I sell hair for money near me? With this in mind, let’s go into more detail about how you can prepare yourself to earn some cash online by donating.

What are these donations used for?
There is an ever-growing market for the buying and selling of human hair. In addition, you can even sell it online. Specialists always need donations particularly for:
- extensions
- wigs
- weaves
- toupees
- other assorted hairpieces
Who is interested in buying my donations?
Why should I sell my hair? Can I sell hair for wigs? Companies depend on people like you to be willing to donate to them. By and large, it is the raw material for their products.
Companies can use these donations for all sorts of useful things like providing hairpieces for:
- cancer patients
- senior citizens
- retailers around the world
Not only will you be making money from home, but you will also be helping out individuals. These folks aren’t as fortunate as you in the follicle department.
Is real human hair better than artificial?
Real human hair is in high demand as it tends to go towards making the best products. On the whole, it beats synthetic or artificial every time.
Consumers prefer using real human hair extensions or wigs. This is due to its authenticity over synthetic. It looks and feels real as opposed to the fake stuff.
We haven’t quite mastered the likeness yet. Real hair is also easier to style and color, apparently.
How much money can I earn by donating & selling my locks?
How do I sell hair for cash? Is selling hair a good business? Companies will usually pay you a cash amount of approximately $100 for a short ponytail donation.
Earnings can go up to $1000 and above if you sell a long, thick ponytail. Clearly, the longer and healthier the strands, the more money you will earn.
There are a few different websites that will allow you to sell. Furthermore, one of the biggest and best platforms for making money is buyandsellhair.com.
Does the length & thickness matter when selling?
Are there any hair donation rules? Buyers of human hair look for virgin hair donations. It also needs to be healthy, thick and at least a minimum of 10 inches long. All of the good qualities as I’m sure you might agree.
This is a job that tends to attract mostly women. This is because ladies are typically the demographic of people who generally have longer locks.
Can I still make money by donating if my hair is short?
Who can sell their hair? Is there a hair donation minimum length? Conversely, companies aren’t really as interested in accepting donations of short hair. This is down to it being more difficult to fashion such a short length into a wig or extension.
Longer donations give them plenty to work with and they are free to cut it down as needed. Obviously, you can’t wish short hair to be longer once it’s cut.

Are there any donation requirements for selling?
How do I make money selling my hair? What are the hair donation guidelines? To sell, grow it out as long as you can. It is also helpful if each strand is at the same length.
If you do decide to go to a salon, avoid getting it cut in layers. In contrast, buyers want donations that are the same length pretty much all over.
What are the characteristics of a good donation?
The longer and thicker your donation is, the more you will be paid for it. You need to maintain and take good care of your locks before selling hair for money.
Do this to make sure it remains in good condition. Thicker and healthier hair has more weight to it, therefore, more demand than thin, fine strands.
Companies like to measure the thickness. Correspondingly, the main way they do this is by viewing the cross-section of your ponytail.
The bigger the circumference of the base of the ponytail, the thicker the hair is. This is ideally what you want from your donation in order to please all parties and to make more money.
How often should I be washing my hair if I want to donate?
Sulfates found in certain products dry out your locks and make follicles dull. For this reason, you should avoid washing with shampoos and conditioners too often. I would suggest that you don’t overwash in general if you want to make money from this.
You should really take significant gaps between washing your hair. Moreover, every wash strips away the natural oils making your locks weak and dull.
What condition should my donation be in before I sell it?
Buyers don’t want donations that have suffered damage due to previous attempts at:
- bleaching
- dying
- spraying
- styling
- perming
They want natural strands. This gives the buyer a blank canvas to do whatever they want with their purchase.
What should I avoid doing before donating?
Can I donate hair that has been dyed? You need to avoid color treating before you donate. Similarly, do not bleach or dye it if you are looking to sell your hair for money. In addition, avoid using styling equipment like:
- straighteners
- flat irons
- dryers
- curlers
The strands can easily become damaged due to the heat that comes from the use of these products.
How natural does my donation need to be for this work?
Untouched hair that hasn’t been manipulated is always best when donating. The main reason for this is that virgin/natural hair is the best quality.
Good quality results in better hairpieces. On the other hand, treated or damaged locks tend to break easily and are structurally weaker.
Can I donate hair with split ends? If you don’t take care, you will end up with lots of spilt ends and other issues. This will not be satisfying for the customers who use these products.
Which color will sell for the most money?
Ever get made fun of for having ginger hair back in your school days? Well, you get the last laugh as you can make lots of money from this job. Red hair donations sell for the highest price followed closely behind by blonde.
Prices tend to correlate with how rare or how common a particular color is. Likewise, brown and black locks will pay you the least amount of money. This is because it is abundant and easily available.
Nevertheless, this should not discourage you if you do have a common hair color. Is selling hair profitable? It is still possible for you to make money donating if you have brown or black hair.

Keeping in mind all these tips when selling your hair for cash. Pretty much anyone can chop off their locks and sell them to earn money from home.
Additionally, this job doesn’t require any special talent, all it takes is time and patience. Your body will do the work.
If you don’t have natural hair to donate then don’t worry. You can always wait till your natural roots grow back out and then sell from that point onwards.
It’s wise to look for a buyer before cutting. Is there a hair donation salon near me? Are there any good hair selling websites? Search the internet and I’m sure you will find plenty of hair donating charities available to you.
Always make sure your follicles meets the necessary requirements before you decide to sell them. You don’t want to go through all this hullabaloo only to have your donation ultimately rejected.
We can learn that the attributes of your donation have an impact on whether or not you can make money from this work. If you want companies to pay you for donations, then it helps if your locks are long, thick and in good condition.
We also know that it is important to take good care of your hair before selling. This means not washing too frequently or using strong styling products.
Next, I recommend that you take steps in preparation for donation. This includes growing your locks out long, at a consistent length. Furthermore, avoid the use of equipment such as dryers and straighteners too.
It would also be a good idea to learn as much as you can about paid hair donation work. You can do this by reading additional articles on the subject. On top of this, do some research about donation companies that will pay you for selling to them.
Are there any hair donation organizations near me? How do I find hair donating places? Where can I donate hair near me? You can either ask around your local area or do some digging online.
Amazon sells plenty of great hair and beauty products at an affordable price. It’s definitely worth a look in if you are hoping to sell your hair in the future.
Hair isn’t the only thing you can sell to make money for yourself online. Find out how you can Sell Stock Photos & Earn Passive Income In Your Sleep!
Is your hair long enough or can you grow it long enough to sell? Can you think of any more advantages or disadvantages to this work?
Please don’t forget to share this with your friends, like it on social media, subscribe to our newsletter and comment below. Thanks for reading!
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My hair is about 35 cm long and I want to cut it . It is very thick and in big quantity of hair. It is virgin brown and I would like you to help me find where can I sell to donate .
Thank you
Hi Ana,
It sounds like your hair has a lot of the ideal characteristics for selling.
There are a few different selling options available. You can sell online using specialized hair selling websites like buyandsellhair.com, hairharvest.co.uk and hairsellon.com.
In addition, there are the bigger online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay that allow you to sell your human hair extensions too.
Sometimes hair salons and wig companies are also interested in buying hair donations so you could try asking around your local area. I hope this is helpful.
Thanks for your comment 🙂
I’m just having a real problem with mailing my hair somewhere. I have 3 28inch braids, one is red, one is alight brown and is a lighter redish. I want good money for them and would hate to loose them in the mail. Are there any places in California,execpt LA, that buy hair?
Hi Alice,
I would recommend buying insurance through your chosen mailing service such as signed for, priority mail, tracking or recorded delivery. Clearly, this will cost a little extra money but it may be worth it if the worst were to happen.
Try to find hair salons or stores that sell wigs/extensions local to you as these types of places tend to buy hair from people.
If you can’t find anywhere suitable in California then I would suggest attempting to sell online at buyandsellhair.com or the Facebook Marketplace.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hello ,
I’m vishnu , I wanna cut my hair ( length seems like more than 20 cm). It’s a virgin black and in big quantity . Could you help me to find where can I sell to donate my hair.
Thank you
Hi Vishnu,
There are plenty of selling options available both online and in person. A few platforms and ideas you might like to try include eBay, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, HairSellon, BloomsburyHair, and local wig makers in your area.
Thanks for your comment 🙂