How Mystery Shopping Pays You & Gives You Free Stuff Too!
by Admin Joe
updated – Nov 20th 2020
Are you a shopaholic? If you find yourself furiously nodding your head to that question then you will want to hear this. I believe that I’ve just found the perfect job for you.
You might be a junkie for those new Jimmy Choo high heels or the latest Xbox One games. God bless consumerism, amirite!? Yes, I’m talking to you glamorous, fashion-obsessed lady or teenage boy.
Not only can you earn money for the very activity that you claim to be so in love with, but you also sometimes get to keep your purchases free of charge. How bonkers is that?
Mystery shoppers are also sometimes known as secret shoppers. I can assure you from experience that mystery shopping is a really cool way of making money.
This is also true for other money-makers like shop and scan which rewards you for scanning bar codes and submitting your receipts. Both of these earners come with many benefits.
It’s not just free products either. You can also take advantage of services like food outlets with free meals and other things. You will not be spending anything that you won’t get back.
If you have the shopping addiction that you claim to be suffering from (or enjoying) then the chances are that you already spend a lot of your free time shopping anyway.
This essentially means you won’t be going out of your way that much if you do decide to take on this new money-maker.
It will be part of your regular everyday shopping routine anyway. Think about it, it’s a win-win. Also, mystery shopping a great way of obtaining freebies as I’ve already touched on.
Roughly 9 out of 10 shoppers will not complain if they receive bad service. They will likely just start shopping at rival stores instead, without saying a word.
Mystery shopping is very much in demand because of this statistic. Stores that want to improve desperately need this feedback.
If something is right or wrong then brands want people to speak up about it. That is essentially the job of a mystery shopper.
What is mystery shopping? I am now going to show you how you can make money from mystery shopping like I have in the past. I will also explain exactly what this job entails. Let’s take a look together.

Who will pay me for mystery shopping?
I have found that there are plenty of on and offline mystery shopping companies that need secret shoppers. I will present to you some of the most popular and highest paying mystery shopping websites available right now:
- Market Force
- UK Mystery Shopper
- Grass Roots
- Retail Maxim
- Tern
- Mystery Shoppers Ltd
- ESA Retail
- Market Checker
- Serve Legal
- Best Mark
- Mystery Dining
- Sinclair Customer Metrics
- International Service Check
- TNS Global
- Intellishop
- Assosia
- Secret Shopping
- Service Measure
- Checkout UK
I should point out that some of these sites are based solely in the US or UK. You may not be able to sign up and become a member if you live in another country.
There are several other mystery shopping websites out there to choose from that might be more local to you. You just need to go out of your way a bit more to search for them.
Are mystery shopping assignments suitable for everyone?
Almost anyone is capable of becoming a secret shopper (even a damn fool like me). Mystery shopping companies like to have a varying cross-section of different secret shoppers working for them.
This is so they can see what stores, products and services mean to lots of different demographics. Receiving feedback from different people improves the quality of their data.
A young man in his twenties probably won’t enjoy visiting a store dedicated to selling knitting yarn as much as the nice old lady from down the street would.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with knitting (I assure you). Although, you should consider my point about different people wanting different things.

What equipment will I need to be a mystery shopper?
If you want to work for an online-only mystery shopping company then you will need a computer with internet access in order to take part.
It’s likely that you will only be able to accept assignments from and then submit reports directly to the website. Keep this in mind before you make the leap.
Which skills do mystery shoppers need to have?
A big part of mystery shopping is writing up your report for each assignment. At first, this might seem a little bit too close to homework but bear with me for a second. You will just be getting your opinions down into words so there are no wrong answers.
For this reason, your writing skills need to be at an adequate level. This involves decent spelling and grammar too. Many secret shopping jobs are for English-speaking people so you need a good grasp of the language.
It also helps if you are quite a sociable and outgoing person. Some assignments will require you to approach and ask a few questions to members of staff within the store. Sometimes you will even conduct full interviews with store managers.
You don’t have to be sexy, cocky and extroverted like Han Solo. However, having good communication skills will help you a lot.
Websites might ask if you have any prior experience with mystery shopping. Just like applying for any job, the employer will prefer if you have previous experience, but it’s not mandatory.
Do I need to provide any evidence or proof in my report?
How do we know that you were doing what you were supposed to be doing if you can’t prove it? I don’t know you what kind of person you are. For all I know you were at home all day watching Netflix in your jammies.
Of course, I’m being silly. On the other hand, being able to document and back up your mystery shopping report with photographic or video evidence is a big plus. It helps if you can provide a store receipt too.
Certain unscrupulous mystery shoppers have been known to fabricate their work before. This makes obtaining evidence all the more important.
There is a high chance that you already have a camera built into your phone. If this is not the case then you will need to get your hands on a camera somehow.
This isn’t a big challenge these days. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, you just need it to provide proof of your visit. Investing in a cheap point-and-shoot digital camera should suffice.

Do I need to spend money upfront for mystery shopping?
I can confirm that the company you work for will usually reimburse you for any purchases that you make while mystery shopping with your own money.
It helps if you have enough disposable income upfront to cover the costs for the time being. Having this safety net is especially important for the pricier assignments like hotel stays and travel.
Is there an age limit for mystery shoppers?
The general rule of thumb is that mystery shoppers usually need to be over 18 years old to take part.
Although, for some companies, you can still participate without this requirement. You can do this by getting parental consent if you are younger than the minimum age. There are some secret shopping jobs that require you to go in to:
- pubs
- bars
- nightclubs
Coincidentally, the assignment may ask you to order alcoholic drinks too. Clearly, these particular assignments are only appropriate for mystery shoppers over the drinking age in your country. Please keep this in mind before you proceed.
If you are under the drinking age I was almost going to suggest sitting on the shoulders of a friend while wearing a long trench coat and fake beard. On further analysis, it probably isn’t worth taking the risk.
Does it matter where mystery shoppers live?
This sort of work is most suitable for secret shoppers who live in big cities (shopping hot spots). This is much better when you compare it to living in rural or suburban areas like me. There are more businesses within closer proximity when in the city.
If you have to travel long distances to reach assignments then it may not be worth your time. On the other hand, a good home location is only desirable and not mandatory. This can be quite a good earner but you need to be pragmatic.
Does it help if I drive a car as a mystery shopper?
Owning a car is also a big bonus in terms of convenience for mystery shopping at least for me. Being able to go when you want, where you want is useful for time-specific assignments. It’s a practical form of transportation.
It’s not wise to rely on public transport as we all know how unreliable it can be at times. This is especially true where I live, let me tell you.
Clearly, this work will better suit secret shoppers who can get from A to B quickly and conveniently. You may have to travel long distances. The better you are at doing this, the more work you will be able to fit in. It beats waiting at a bus stop in the rain.

How qualified do mystery shoppers need to be?
You don’t need any special academic qualifications or experience as the skills required are pretty easy to pick up. I knew diddly squat about mystery shopping before I started this gig. Despite this, I managed to learn the ropes with time.
Any idiot can shop but you also need to be able to put together a thorough report too. Different tasks you will need to complete include:
- using a computer
- writing down notes
- taking photographs
- collecting receipts
- talking to staff in store
Do I need to pass a test before I can participate in this?
Nobody likes tests or exams (myself included) as it just feels like you’re back at school. Although, you may need to do at least one for this.
When you initially sign up to a mystery shopping website, you might have to complete a simple qualification test. You will have to do this before they let you become a fully fledged member.
It might involve a sample assignment which will act as a dry run to see if your work is good enough. Don’t panic as this is just so that they recognize that you can follow instructions adequately. They need to see that you know what you are doing.
Do mystery shoppers need to work to a deadline?
If you don’t mind working under pressure then this shouldn’t be a problem. It won’t even be a massive amount of pressure, but you will have to work within time constraints.
You will need to be able to work to strict deadlines. If you miss the deadline then the secret shopping company will take the assignment from you.
They will then give it to another mystery shopper that they deem to be more capable. These platforms are looking for reliable and detail-oriented individuals who don’t make many mistakes.

Where will I be doing my mystery shopping assignments?
You could live on the moon and there will be a mystery shopping assignment close by. Okay … that’s not really true, but it would surprise you to hear that I’m only exaggerating a little bit.
Mystery shopping isn’t just exclusive to a handful of developed countries, it exists all around the world.
Chances are you are already in close proximity to a mystery shopping assignment right now. This may literally be near where you are this very second. Almost creepy when I say it like that, isn’t it?
This line of work in no way restricts you from completing assignments in your hometown either. You can work anywhere you happen to be at the time.
It might be on a day trip, vacation or whatever else. Enjoy an excursion and make money for yourself at the same time. Two birds with one stone, baby!
What kind of businesses do mystery shoppers visit?
Where can I do mystery shopping? There are lots of job opportunities involving all kinds of establishments such as:
- high street stores
- restaurants
- pubs (my favorite)
- rail
- bookmakers
- pharmacies
- nightclubs
- beauty salons
- car hire
- healthcare
- garden centers
- charity shops
- fast food
- hairdressers
- estate agents
- leisure centers
- travel agents
- gyms
- casinos
- takeaways
- bars
- cobblers
- butchers
- bakers
- candlestick makers
- garden gnome repair & maintenance center (I kid)
Which methods can I use for mystery shopping?
Mystery shopping isn’t just limited to physical visits to bricks-and-mortar stores. Secret shoppers can also complete assignments through various other methods such as:
- telephone
- internet
- apps
- mail order
These other methods of shopping will require you to provide evidence. You will log your activity just like regular mystery shopping.
For instance, you might have to use screen recording software while you are making an online purchase. This is also very similar to making money from usability testing.

What do mystery shoppers actually have to do?
How do I make money from mystery shopping? If I were to break it down into basic step (which I will do now) you will do the following:
- Sign up to a mystery shopping platform
- Pass the qualification test/assignment
- Complete your profile questions
- Accept a mystery shopping job
- Put together and then submit your report
- Wait for the screening process to finish
- Withdraw your approved earnings
Mystery shopping jobs aren’t always simple. It’s not just about going into a store, buying something and then walking out of the door. The client may ask you to do a number of different tasks. For example, they may request that you:
- take count of the amount of items on a shelf (stock checking)
- review a product/service
- ask one or two questions to a member of staff
How does mystery shopping work? They will give secret shoppers a brief of tasks that you need to complete on your shopping trip.
You will have to complete a questionnaire with multiple-choice as well as open-ended questions.
They will require that you do this after and sometimes before your shopping trip. It will be similar to a paid survey. This is in order to let clients know how it went and what you discovered.
How long do mystery shopping jobs take to complete?
From my experience, most secret shopping assignments, you will be able to finish in the span of a few hours. It shouldn’t take you more than one day. On a rare occasion, an assignment might run its course over a few days or even weeks.
The client might ask you to sign up to a service or a monthly subscription for the task. You won’t have to pay anything as you can cancel it shortly afterward and you will get a refund.
It’s possible to make extra money by deliberately returning purchases on request. This is to see how good the store’s refund system is as a test. Mystery shopping companies like to know how every part of the shopping transaction works fo different stores.
Hotel assignments and the like sometimes require you to stay overnight for a few nights.
It’s nice because you can really make the most of it. I like to count it as a mini-vacation of sorts. It also gives you more time to complete your report up to a good standard.
What are mystery shoppers ideally looking for?
Mystery shopping isn’t about relaxing and taking it easy. You can’t simply just enjoy whichever product or service your employer is paying for while out shopping. It’s not that simple.
Secret shoppers will need to be alert and will almost constantly be taking notes with a notebook about their surroundings. I find that you won’t need to rely on your poor memory as long as you make notes as you go along.

Which parts of the store should I talk about?
As a mystery shopper, you will be evaluating a store based on two things. What you expect to experience and the reality that you actually experienced.
Check whether the store has long queues and also the standards of cleanliness. Pay attention to how accurately products and services match what they claim to provide.
Take note of staff member names and remember whether they were friendly and helpful or not. You also need to log the following:
- purchased items
- time spent in store
- amount of money spent
- time and date of shopping trip
It’s all relevant information. The important thing is understanding the customer experience for these companies. They will then know what to change in the future.
What happens after I submit my mystery shopping report?
Your report will need to go through a screening process before they decide whether to pay you or not. You shouldn’t expect an instant response so be patient.
The client will let you know after a few working days either way. If the secret shopping company approves your work then you will receive your earnings shortly afterwards.
There is also the outside chance that they may reject your mystery shopping report if you miss out something important or any other major issue.
If it isn’t up to standard then you won’t earn any money. This is why it’s so important that you get it right the first time around.
Can I retry a mystery shopping assignment?
Unfortunately, mystery shopping companies aren’t famous for giving second chances. They most likely won’t let the same secret shopper retry the same assignment again.
It’s easier for them to just find someone else, somebody who is more reliable to complete it. Try not to squander these opportunities.
If you’re very lucky they may send your report back in order to give you the chance to amend small mistakes. If things don’t go well after that then they may reject it altogether. The site will then give it to another mystery shopper to do.
How much will mystery shopping companies pay me?
I can give you a somewhat disappointingly unclear answer to that question. On average, each secret shopping job usually pays in the region of £5 to £100 not including reimbursements.
I’m sorry that I’m being super vague and wish-washy. You may find it frustrating but it is a difficult question to answer accurately as all assignments are different. There a lot of variables to consider so unfortunately I can’t be any clearer than that.

How can mystery shoppers increase their earnings?
A lot can depend on factors such as the difficulty of the assignment or even which company you are working for.
I notice that lengthier and more demanding assignments pay more money than the basic ones. Some secret shopping companies give out a more generous rate of pay than others as well.
Jobs that need to be completed urgently will normally have a bigger reward in order to attract mystery shoppers more quickly.
These should be given a nickname like ‘rush jobs‘ or something similar. My advice is to keep an eye out for these ones as they’re worth doing if you can catch them in time.
Will companies refund money back to mystery shoppers?
What’s the point in spending money when you’re trying to make it? Your employer will usually reimburse you for travel expenses (fuel for your car, bus tickets and so on).
Also, they should refund you for any product or service you might pay for on your assignment.
In the end, this means you will potentially have the privilege of getting something without paying. This may involve eating a meal or picking up a hot, new item for free if you accept the mystery shopping job.
If a secret shopper fails the assignment for whatever reason then it’s unlikely that the employer will refund any expenses. This is a bummer.
How much money can shoppers put down as an expense?
Most of the time clients usually assign a set maximum allowance to each assignment for all of your on-the-job expenses.
Secret shopper won’t have to pay a penny out of their own pocket as long as they stay under the allowance. The allowance is usually quite generous so it’s not a huge challenge staying within it.
You shouldn’t abuse the expenses system. Don’t cram in a trip to the cinema followed by McDonald’s (seeing as you are in the area). Only spend money on legitimate stuff that is relevant to the mystery shopping assignment.
How do I access mystery shopping assignments?
Secret shoppers will find the majority of work online. You will mostly be notified about assignments via email as soon as they become available.
This will help you get a leg up if you want to beat other people to the jump. Mystery shopping assignments work on a first-come-first-served system so you will need to be on the ball.
However, you can also check in directly on the mystery shopping website itself. You should find the assignments in the ‘jobs‘ section or some page of a similar name on your chosen platform.
It’s always handy to do this as I tend to find that some jobs slip through the net when it comes to email notifications. The client will sometimes not promote them by email.
A mystery shopper may apply for an assignment and then back out for whatever reason. If this happens then that job will become available again for other people to take a crack at.

Why should mystery shoppers complete profile questions?
More often than not, the amount of work that clients will offer a secret shopper will depend on how complete your profile is. It can be tedious but fill in all your profile questions and update them regularly for the chance to increase your workload.
How many mystery shopping jobs can I do at one time?
Companies will normally limit the number of secret shopping assignments you can take on at one time. In my opinion, it’s fine to take on a cluster of jobs within the same area. You shouldn’t go too far and apply for more than this though.
This is so that you don’t give yourself too much work to handle and also so other workers get a fair crack of the whip.
If you have too much on your plate then you probably won’t be able to complete it all. This means other mystery shoppers will miss out too.
Clients don’t like this as those uncompleted jobs you didn’t get around to doing could have been freed up. They could then be completed quickly by somebody else.
Companies don’t like it when secret shoppers hog all the jobs. They aim to prevent this, hoping to give other shoppers a chance.
Can I do mystery shopping work for a living?
Like other online jobs, it’s very difficult to make a full-time salary from this alone, in my experience. Although, some secret shoppers do it so it’s not impossible.
The workload itself for mystery shopping is pretty inconsistent and unreliable. It’s wise not to rely on it as your main source of income.
There is a way you can increase the number of jobs coming down the pipe. Do this by registering with all the credible mystery shopping companies that you can find. You may also want to spread your wings and look into freelance mystery shopping work too.
How do I find mystery shopping job locations?
Lots of mystery shopping sites have a map feature (similar to Google Maps) which I find particularly helpful. It allows you to easily search for jobs country-wide sometimes even globally.
The client should give you an accurate address. You might get handy additional information like directions and bus routes sometimes as well. All the information you need will be in the accompanying assignment notes anyway. You won’t feel lost.

Can I do mystery shopping jobs using mobile devices?
Some companies have apps specifically for mystery shopping and some don’t. If the app does exist, you can download it from the app store and/or google play. This is dependent on which operating systems are compatible.
If they don’t have an app then it’s not the end of the world. You can always just use the mobile site on the browser from your phone or tablet.
A lot of the work will revolve around writing your secret shopping report. I sometimes find this part a little cumbersome when typing on the tiny keyboard of a smart phone.
This is one of the reasons why I prefer using my laptop for this sort of work, but that’s just me.
Can mystery shoppers work while on the go?
If you can find an app then it means you can work on the go, outside of the home. It’s more convenient like this because you can use a mobile device wherever you like, unlike a regular computer.
Are there any other perks to mystery shopping?
A benefit of this work (at least for me) is that you may discover interesting, new stores or other places. These may have previously passed you by unnoticed like a fart in a hurricane.
This job forces you to get out of the house and go places you might not ordinarily visit. You never know what you might find.
There is lots more to learn about mystery shopping by just having the experience of doing the work itself. Many argue that practical experience in anything is the best teacher. You will learn from your mistakes as you go.
Being a secret shopper is also great seeing as you will have to go out shopping eventually anyway. People will always need to shop for food and groceries lest you starve. You can plan out everyday purchases to align with your mystery shopping work.
I discovered that you can save time and kill two birds with one stone by getting all your shopping together in one trip.

Do mystery shopping websites have referral programs?
Yes, there are in some cases. If you have any friends and family that you think may have an interest in this type of work then you can recommend them. Share a unique referral link with them and receive financial rewards for each referral.
If your referrals are successful then you will earn payment for each new sign up. Maybe you’ll even earn a cut of their mystery shopping earnings too.
Referrals work differently with each mystery shopping platform. Sometimes you will only get a commission after a referral has completed an assignment.
Will the mystery shopping website grade my work?
Certain sites have a points-based system when it comes to evaluating jobs. They will grade mystery shoppers with a score depending on the quality of their work.
This means you should aim to write a thorough and detailed report along with plenty of evidence of your work.
Obviously, it’s best to have a high score as it will mean you will have a better reputation. You will also gain access to more secret shopping jobs with higher pay.
What about my reputation as a mystery shopper?
Clients accepting or rejecting your mystery shopping assignments is the main factor that will affect your reputation. This can either be for better or worse. How early or late you submit jobs may also tip the balance.
There are sometimes punishments for having a poor record. If your reputation drops too low then you may have your account suspended or banned. This has never happened to me before, but it has been known to occur.
Slightly less worse, the site may lock you out of accepting select assignments if your score isn’t high enough.
You have to understand that there are lots of mystery shoppers signing up to these websites looking for work. This means that companies have the privilege of being much more choosy.
They have high standards and will only pick out the best of the best secret shoppers. It’s harsh, but such is life.
Why is there such a demand for mystery shopping?
Why is mystery shopping needed? The main reason why businesses participate in this is to increase profits and minimize losses. This is brought about by the reporting of mystery shoppers like you.
They can also improve the quality of customer service from this information too. If anything, I believe mystery shopping shows how employees interact with customers who come into the store.
These businesses can analyze photos and videos taken by secret shoppers. They can make changes to improve things aesthetically and also in other ways.
Mystery shopping helps businesses find out if certain stores are doing what they’re supposed to be doing as well.

Why is my opinion important?
It offers retailers that extra something that they just can’t obtain from rudimentary questionnaires, paid surveys and various other methods. They are actually getting very close to what is a first hand response from a mystery shopper.
Mystery shopping is all about the opinion of the person who matters most, the customer! You know that tired, old cliché, “the customer is always right“. It turns out this is as true as it’s always been.
Brands need to know how you feel about them. If they know what you are thinking then they can make steps to change parts of their business to suit you and also benefit themselves.
Do stores like mystery shoppers?
Yeah, they do … in a way. There are multiple reasons why stores welcome secret shoppers. I think the main benefit is at they are getting your business. You will ultimately have to buy something from them specifically for the assignment anyway.
The other thing is the extra exposure and advertising. They will receive this from lots of secret shoppers having to visit their stores. Another aspect is that they might fear what you will write up if you receive a poor shopping experience.
If you have a good experience on your mystery shopping assignment you may tell your peers about it. You can tell them about the great service you received.
You are promoting their business through good word-of-mouth this way. There’s lots of money in it for them.
How does mystery shopping help employers?
Senior management sometimes likes to know how their employees behave when the big man isn’t there. Mystery shoppers are sneaky like that and offer a great way of monitoring staff performance.
They can then use that information to change how they employ people. Don’t feel too bad about being honestly critical of store workers, it’s just part of the job after all.

What about my identity?
As a mystery shopper, the client requires you to pose as a real, everyday customer so relax and act casual. Carry out the tasks as if you were a normal shopper.
On some occasions, you will need to remain anonymous. At other times, you will need to reveal yourself to store employees as a mystery shopper. You don’t have to feel obliged to give staff any more information other than the fact that you’re a secret shopper.
Should I stay anonymous when mystery shopping?
To clarify, you shouldn’t go out of your way to “out” yourself as a mystery shopper. This is unless they otherwise tell you to do so. When you reveal yourself as a secret shopper, this is commonly known as audit work.
The client sometimes might not want you to do this. Staff will obviously give special treatment to a mystery shopper when compared to a customer. I find it best not to raise suspicion if you can.
What about my privacy?
I will advise you to try to keep your secret shopping work as discreet as possible. Avoid sharing confidential assignment data with anyone.
Try not to show your assignment brief and completed report to anybody not involved in the assignment. This means people such as friends or family.
You might need to provide basic personal information when filling in forms. This is mostly for completing internet-only mystery shopping jobs. It’s nothing too intrusive, however, you can always decide not to do these assignments if it’s too much.
The profile questions on mystery shopping sites aren’t all mandatory. You can just skip over the optional fields if it makes you more comfortable. Only give as much information as you have to, as I do.
The website or clients will never share any personal information you provide with third-parties. This applies to both your assignment reports and profile. They will need to obtain your explicit permission first.

I hope that you have learned something new from all of that information. There are plenty of companies out there that pay mystery shoppers for their work.
Mystery shopping sites require the services of a diverse range of workers too. It is a very inclusive line of work for people of different attributes.
We can learn that mystery shopping jobs are available almost anywhere in the world. This is fine as long as you have the means to travel to them.
We also know that employers don’t require you to have any qualifications prior to working. You don’t need to know anything about mystery shopping as you will learn a lot on the job.
The next thing on your agenda should be to register as a worker on all the reliable secret shopping sites that you can dig out. This will open you up to a steadier workload.
If you have any more questions you want answering about being a secret shopper then I have something else to show you. Check out my 17 Marvelous Mystery Shopping Tips To Boost Your Earnings & Save You Time post. I hope that this will fill in any blanks for you.
Do you have a mystery shopping website that you like the best? What is your favorite type of store to do a mystery shopping assignment in?
Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and like it on social media. You can subscribe to our newsletter and comment below too. Thanks for reading!
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