Why Almost Anyone (Young & Old) Can Be A Flyer Distributor
by Admin Joe
published – Feb 22nd 2019
Who can work as a flyer distributor? You may have always wondered if you have the mojo required to become a poster or flyer distributor. I wondered this very thing when I started.
Do I need to possess certain skills and attributes? What if I’m just not cut out for flyer distribution work? The likely answer to your question is that any physically able person can do this kind of work.
I can tell you now that it’s pretty straightforward. Any idiot can do this. I used to be a flyer distributor so I’m a shining example of said “moron“. It’s not always a cake walk but the principles are remarkably easy to learn.
You don’t even really need any experience or qualifications to do well in a leaflet or flyer distribution job. In a lot of ways, it’s a perfect first-time job for teenagers and young people.
Let’s take a look at what kind of person will excel at being a flyer distributor. We’ll also see how simple the work actually is.
What attributes does a flyer distributor need to have?
What are the best traits for a flyer distributor to have? I find that distribution employers want honest and hard-working people. They need workers who they can rely on to do the job properly. This is the same for any job to be fair.
Being truthful is important as they don’t want flyer distributors who cut corners. Occasionally, unscrupulous distributors pretend they have done the work when they haven’t. This work can be hard to monitor so you will sometimes need proof of completed work.
Having a can-do attitude and being enthusiastic wouldn’t go a miss. Drive is an important attribute to have too. I know that this sort of work can be debilitating when it comes to rejection.
Some flyer distribution jobs are offered on a self-employed or freelance basis. This can come as quite a shock to newbies expecting a cushy, conventional pay-per-hour day job. In my opinion, it doesn’t hurt to have some experience and skills in running a business because of this.
How old do flyer distributors need to be?
There is no real age limit for any kinds of distribution job. Flyer distribution work welcomes employees, young and old. It doesn’t really matter how old you are as long as you can do the job competently.
However, I know from experience that certain companies will need distributors to be at least 18 years or older. The age limit is a little more lenient if you’re not working for a big employer. For example, freelance flyer distributors can be as young as 16 in some cases.
On occasion, you will need to travel far distances sometimes at night. You will need to be old enough to be confident in doing this whilst having a decent amount of independence.
Who can be a flyer distributor? I think that distribution work is a good fit for young adults and retirees. Although, you can do it at any age if you really wish as long as you’re physically able.
Do I need to be a team player in this line of work?
You wouldn’t conventionally believe that flyer distribution is a team-based job, but it is. You will likely be part of a network of other distributors accompanied by a supervisor. For this reason, you need to be good at both working in a team and also on your own.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether you’re a team player or not. A freelancer will just be working alone all the time anyway so it doesn’t factor in.
There is lots of work available for freelance flyer distributor on platforms like Fiverr. Here you can advertise your flyer distribution services. It will mean you can expose yourself to thousands of customers around the world. How great is that!?
[bctt tweet=”Flyer distribution employers want honest & hard-working workers with a can-do attitude who they can rely on to get the job done.” username=”@athomegrind”]
Do flyer distributors need to be fluent in English?
If you are working in an English-speaking nation then of course you will need to speak English. You will sometimes need to talk to the people you are distributing leaflets and flyers to.
Having an understanding of the native tongue of the country you work in will go a long way. Communication can be very important in certain distribution work (more than you would think).
You will need a firm grasp on the English language. Some recipients will have questions that you will need to answer about the advertisements that you are dishing out.
There is also a sales aspect to this in some distribution jobs (particularly with catalogs). You will need to win people and their wallets over with your words.
Can distribution work be demoralizing?
It can be at times, especially if your distribution job relies on you interacting with people. This comes off as a little overly sassy on my part. I don’t hate people, but let me explain. Distribution workers will have to be especially good at bouncing back from:
- rudeness
- rejection
- being ignored altogether
This applies especially to catalog and hand-to-hand distributors trying to obtain leads. People don’t always want what you have to give them. They might just see you as a nuisance or provider of spam, for example.
You could make the leap to say that any form of marketing or advertising is “spam” in the eyes of some people. They kind of have a point when you look at it like that. Flyer distribution is an unsolicited act by its very nature so you have to expect at least some hostility.
It’s a bit like trying to win someone over to your side of the argument. Although, you won’t always be successful. This can have a negative effect on you mentally if you don’t generally take rejection well. Catalog distribution work can require a fair amount of resilience, I find.
Will I need to be able to read a map when distributing?
If (as a distributor) you have some basic map reading, direction following and navigation skills then that’s a bonus. It doesn’t matter if you don’t because reading a map isn’t rocket science. You don’t have to be the great Ferdinand Magellan (google it).
You shouldn’t be too overly reliant on GPS technology. It can unintentionally trip you up sometimes. Make sure you are able to read a conventional paper map as a back up. Sometimes that will be the only option you have available to you.
Many employees distribute flyers and leaflets through the doors of homes. In this case, your employer will give you a map of the houses you need to target.
This will normally be a bird’s-eye view of a street (a la Google Maps) with specific homes. Your employer will highlight the target houses for you. You can then use a pen to black out the ones you’ve already covered just to make your life a little easier.
What if I’m afraid of animals?
If you are doing door-drop distributions then prepare yourself for encounters with pets. These will either be in homes or sometimes even in front and back yards.
I’m kind of overstating the issue here but I can understand why some people might fear household pets. Certain people are even allergic to cats and/or dogs.
As a flyer distributor, you’re invading their space so you have to expect a little aggression. Most animals will be locked away so you will probably just hear lots of bark and less bite. Phew! Your fingers are safe, no need to worry.

This should give you an idea of the type of person who would suit a flyer distribution job. If you tick all these boxes then good for you. If not, then it doesn’t matter because you can pick it up as you go along fairly easily like I did.
The lesson we can learn here is that the vast majority people do have what it takes to become a half-decent distributor. It’s simple, honest work. We also know a little more about how flyer distribution works. You should have an idea of what the job involves as well as some of the pros and cons of the occupation.
I suggest your next move should be to better yourself in areas you might be lacking in. These can be skills like:
- communication
- fitness
- teamwork
- salesmanship
- dealing with household pets
- navigation
Studying these areas will make you a legendary leaflet and flyer distributor. You can even teach yourself a few useful tricks by reading up on books about flyer distribution.
If you know any flyer distributors then you can question them about their work. This will allow you to get to know the nitty-gritty of what makes a great employee.
You now know the “who” so why not discover the “what“. By “what” I mean “what does a flyer distributor do?” Check out the answer to What Are The Duties & Responsibilities Of A Flyer Distributor? right now.
Do you believe that you would be good at flyer distribution work? Which do you think are the best and worst personality traits you could possess for this sort of job? Please don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below. Thanks for reading!
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